Jan 23, 20232 min

"The Dragon's Good Night Sleep"

  1. Once upon a time, in a magical kingdom, there was a little girl named Zoe. She loved to go on adventures and explore the forest near her home. One day, while she was exploring, she stumbled upon a cave. Being the curious girl she was, Zoe decided to go inside.
    As she walked deeper into the cave, she heard a strange noise. It sounded like a loud snore. She followed the noise and soon found a dragon, asleep on a pile of treasure. The dragon was huge, with big scales and a long tail.
    Zoe was a little scared, but she also felt very curious. She had never seen a real dragon before and wanted to learn more about it. She slowly approached the dragon and saw that it was covered in soot, like it had been sleeping in a fireplace.
    The dragon was so peaceful and quiet, that Zoe couldn't help but notice that it was having trouble sleeping. She noticed that the cave was dark and damp, it was not a good place for the dragon to sleep. Zoe had an idea and decided to do something to help the dragon sleep better.
    She went back to her home and brought back a soft blanket, a pillow and a nightlight. She placed the blanket over the dragon and the pillow under its head. She also placed the nightlight in a corner, so the dragon would have a soft light to sleep by.
    The dragon woke up, surprised to see Zoe there. But, he was happy when he saw the blanket, pillow and nightlight. He thanked Zoe for her kindness. The dragon was so pleased with the new sleeping arrangements that it finally had a good night's sleep.
    From that day on, Zoe and the dragon became friends. Zoe would visit the dragon every day and make sure it had a comfortable place to sleep. The dragon, in return, would tell her stories of its adventures and the kingdom. They would spend hours talking and laughing together.
    The dragon's sleep improved, and it became more active and lively. The kingdom was pleased to see the dragon happy and healthy, as it was a symbol of good luck. Zoe and the dragon's friendship had brought happiness to the whole kingdom.
    The end.